News & Events

Update on suction dredge litigation in Idaho

By now many of you have likely heard the penalty phase of the litigation out of Idaho over suction dredging was decided by the judge. This does not mean this case is over. This stems from AMRA’s President standing up to the EPA on their requirement for an NPDES permit (a pollution permit) even though […]

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Italian Bar disaster update

ITALIAN BAR DISASTER UPDATE: Well folks, persistence pays off and after more than a year, we are finally going to clean up the disaster we’ve all been disgusted by down on Italian Bar along the Stanislaus river. The illegal occupiers are gone and man did they leave a mess. It is now time to return […]

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Update on USFS citation of AMRA President Poe

Back in May of this year we posted about how the USFS cited AMRA President Shannon Poe for “defrauding an inn keeper” over an absurd claim by them that a claim owner must pay a $7 fee to a third party garbage collection agency while on their mining claim.   Yes, it was absurd and […]

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When do I need a PoO…Plan of Operations with the USFS?

As most of you know, we receive calls, emails and messages almost on a daily basis now from members and other small-scale miners about problems with the USFS (Forest Service). Most can be categorized in two columns: 1) USFS telling the miner a Plan of Opertions (PoO) is required to dig a hole. 2) Access […]

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What a weekend at Roaring Camp!

We sure had a great time down in Roaring Camp this year at the AMRA outing. Honestly, we don’t know of anyone else more generous and kind than the Lague’s who own Roaring Camp. Like a dumbass, I was camping in my little cargo trailer and low and behold I forgot my sleeping bag and […]

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What is an NOI, a POO and when do I need it?

Please excuse our absence, it’s been rather hectic lately with claims deadlines, deaths of personal friends, upcoming events and other personal issues. That being said, we have had a number of calls lately about NOI’s and POO’s. We wanted to explain the difference between an NOI (Notice Of Intent) and a POO (Plan Of Operations…aptly […]

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New restrictions on CCW proposed

Does anyone still think the CA government isn’t attacking your 2nd Amendment rights? Want a CCW? Take a look at this bill which would restrict you from carrying just about everywhere. You need to read this bill being proposed by Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) and how the places you can carry will be […]

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Want some free Screamer Gold?

There are still some spots left for the Roaring Camp day trip on the 27th. To fill this up we are offering a Screamer Gold piece for every person signing up for this, 20 AMRA raffle tickets and an AMRA T-shirt of your choice. The day trip includes all day mining at the legendary mining […]

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Over-regulation in America means bad things in other countries

The truly disappointing part of this is that we have AMRA members and friends across the western United States right now who are sitting on hundreds of millions, if not billions in rare earth minerals on their mining claims. It’s just that there are so many restrictions, permits, approvals and blockades which prevent them from […]

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Top filed mining claims

We are helping three different miners right now in three different states which have had people top file on their claims. This is a common call we receive and would like to provide some education on the subject. A “top file” is a label miners use when someone tries to claim over an existing and […]

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