Walk 4 Liberty new video In order for Californian’s to be successful in protesting and opposing the crushing regulatory schemes in California we MUST join hands. We must band together. All of us. Hunters, hikers, fishermen, ranchers, farmers, miners, loggers and off roaders. Regulations and rules which: close roads to camping spots, hunting spots, favorite […]
Just had to fill out extensive forms for permission {a permit} to hold a peaceful protest at the state capitol. Apparently you must ask permission to exercise your 1st Amendment right in California.
California protest on over-regulation, road closures and the suction dredge prohibition: Walk A Mile In Our Shoes……. Please SHARE this post. For a few months now we have been discussing holding and coordinating a significant peaceful protest in California (state capital) over the destructive over-regulation of not just suction dredging for small-scale miners, but road […]
We are proud to announce we have partnered with the GPAA/Delta Gold Diggers on another project. We will be performing a peaceful protest on over-regulation in California and are going to dispel the notion that small miners are just a bunch of knuckle dragging, cousin loving, environmental trashers. We have selected two areas […]