AMRA Barstow

AMRA has been invited to Washington DC

You may have put two and two together now by us asking about, and talking about politicians, Secretary of the Dept. of Ag and other topics recently. Yes, in fact AMRA has been invited to go to Washington DC to meet with several Trump supporting people and Trump appointed people. We leave in a few […]

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Update on the hearing at the Capital on SB1222

From the desk of Shannon Poe, President, AMRA:   I’ll get to the meat of what transpired at the state capital yesterday shortly, but first of all would like to thank many who supported this bill and the immense amount of time which was put into it:   Uniting is the key to any success. […]

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Article written about AMRA standing up to the BLM in Barstow CA

A very fair piece written on AMRA standing up to the illegal road closures down in Barstow with Route 66 and Temecula gold clubs.  We have not, and will not let this issue go…   “We had a lengthy debate about that and I encouraged her to do a little bit of research on color […]

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