Day: June 11, 2013

WMA drafts letter to DFG about their exclusion from any input on Regulations

Western Mining Alliance, (one of the good guys) drafted this letter in response to DFG ignoring their requests to be a part of talks on new regulations.  We are witnessing the complete disregard for the rule of law by DFG and their agenda to deny us any input, or access to our public lands, claims […]

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What is the difference between a Govt. hearing and a meeting?

We have had many discussions lately about hearings and meetings.  Most Government entities are required to offer public input so we thank Kirk MacKenzie for his explanation on the difference between the two, and goes into detail on what each one means to you, the person all these seemingly endless regulations affect. Hearing vs. Meeting […]

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Monsanto’s “Roundup” kills frogs within an hour

MONSANTO’S ROUNDUP PESTICIDE ‘CAN KILL FROGS WITHIN AN HOUR’. May24 JAM, 2013 / FAB / MONSANTO – FROGS MONSANTO’S ROUNDUP PESTICIDE ‘CAN KILL FROGS WITHIN AN HOUR’. New research suggests the chemicals are playing a significant and previously unknown role in the global decline of amphibians Damian Carrington The Guardian, Thursday 24 January 2013 Widely used […]

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The Mountain Democrat destroys the yellow legged frog fantasy

Yellow-legged frog fantasy By Mountain Democrat From page A4 | 51 Comments Under threat of a lawsuit the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service reached an agreement with the Center for Biological Diversity April 24 to propose the Sierra yellow-legged and Yosemite toad for Endangered Species Act listing. Also proposed is protecting more than 2 million […]

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Gold nuggets and Agenda 21 part 1

Gold nuggets and Agenda 21 By Jean N. Perlot When I was about 12 my best friend’s father took Steve and I camping on a small river in the mountains of Oregon near where we lived.  Steve and I were going to fish the weekend away, while his father brought a gold dredge to work […]

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Gold nuggets and Agenda 21 part 2

Gold Nuggets and Agenda 21 (Part Two) By Jean N. Perlot Link to Part One 2009.  Barack Hussein Obama was elected and he appointed Agenda 21 Ken Salazar to Secretary of the Interior.  The very same Agenda 21 Ken Salazar who stated this: Ken Salazar at Occidental College: “It will also be a catalyst, in […]

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