CALL TO ACTION…..ARIZONA: Are you sick of the USFS closing your access to public lands? For those in Arizona, you CAN stop the latest attempt at closing tons of roads in the Tonto NF. We’ve been talking about this closure for over a week now and have partnered with Kevin Allard, founder of […]
In continuing our informative series on the road closures in Arizona, we want to discuss RS2477. In 1866, Congress passed the original mining grant and as a part of that, RS2477 was born which required the roads in the public domain to remain open. Roads……being defined as something as small as a trail. […]
As we move forward with working on stopping the road closures being proposed in Arizona by the USFS, we want to educate everyone on the legal challenges one can make on issues like this. Over the course of the next week we will be posting some of the arguments the public can make which conclusively […]
OK, they are at it in Arizona again. The Southern Arizona Congressman is expected to unveil legislation that seeks to authorize a permanent 1.7 million acre land grab in Northern Arizona and permanently prohibit mining and other multiple-use activities on this massive swath of land. From our friend Marjorie at Free Range Report. […]