Recently, AMRA was contacted by a Mariposa County Supervisor concerning a “CUP” a Conditional Use Permitting scheme concocted by the radical, liberal Supervisor Rosemarie Smallcombe. The proposal is being brought forth by MERG, another radical enviro group based out of Mariposa. Coincidentally……..listed on the Board of Directors of MERG:
Rosemarie Smallcombe: B.A., University of California, Riverside; M.A. California State University, San Francisco; M.B.A., Golden Gate University. Retired regulatory compliance manager.
Stephen H. Smallcombe: B.S., Alma College (Mich.); Ph.D. University of California, Irvine. Retired scientist
Seems the Smallcombe’s are actively involved in trying to ban mining in the county. This proposal puts another layer of regulation on top of already passed and implemented regulations on mining both at the Federal level and the State level.
They state there is no financial impact to the county with this proposal, but we disagree. It will cost the county dearly, a county founded on mining and created by mining. The miners will likely sue, and in our opinion, win in court and this will be very, very costly to the county.
Yet another “scheme” to destroy mining based on deception and political ideology. AMRA will be actively involved in defeating this very costly scheme to Mariposa County.
To read more on this bill, click http://mariposacountyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/Calendar.aspx Click on June 2nd meeting minutes for an overview of this proposal.
To read about MERG, the radical environmental group out of Mariposa, click HERE
I couldn’t find it in the June 2nd minutes. Is it referenced as something else, or am I just too tired?