The Tucson GPAA gold show is this weekend!
AMRA will be raffling away a week long stay at Roaring Camp over the weekend. For those who have not been there, it is an amazing place with great gold, great people and is a perfect place to forget the fast paced world we all live in.
Come to the show this weekend, support the small mining community and maybe you’ll be staying at Roaring Camp finding those big nuggets they are known for…
Thank you very much to Roaring Camp for supporting AMRA and the small mining community!
Here is an excerpt from roaringcampgold.com:
Roaring Camp is something special in the way of family recreation. It is an old goldmining camp on the Mokelumne River. In the past, it was accessibly only by horseback.
Roaring Camp was once a camp for Forty Niners, but since it was so inaccessible, most of the gold still remains. Visitors can see our operating gold mine and can mine their own gold by panning, sluicing, metal detecting, and dry washing.
In the Mokelumne Canyon, the three forks of the Mokelumne River come together. It is a river unsurpassed in natural beauty. The water is so clear that one can watch the tadpoles and fish swim. There are waterfalls and natural rock formations forty feet high.
There is also a quiet, secluded “swimming hole” with rocks of varying sizes, ideal for diving by those who dare! Be sure to bring your fishing gear. The fishing here is excellent!
Roaring Camp Gold:
For information on the show from the GPAA Facebook page, go here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1972123316369120/