Who funds the radical environmental groups? Read this….

While George Soros is known to heavily fund progressive agendas, there is another billionaire whose goal is to fund environmental causes, Hansjörg Wyss.  A native of Switzerland who now lives in Wilson, Wyoming, Mr. Wyss made his fortune in medical research and his medical device manufacturer Synthes.

Mr. Wyss created the Wyss Foundation for philanthropy, conserving land as a primary focus, and millions of dollars have been given to non-governmental organizations (NGO) for that purpose.  So invested in this goal, last year Mr. Wyss dedicated $1 billion to save the earth Wyss Campaign for Nature program.  The end objective is to “…help conserve 30% of the planet by 2030″…with “…lands and waters…” protected best through national parks and wildlife refuges.

Under the falsehood that Mr. Wyss claims this protection agenda is best if  “driven by folks who live in these communities”, he is actually referring to all the minion NGOs that are recipients of his money.  Wanting to stay in the action, Mr. Wyss himself is on the governing council of the Wilderness Society.


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