We are packed and ready for walk4liberty

Well, we are packed and ready to go. Pictured here is a custom camelback with a bush-style custom attached flag.

The flag not only stands for Liberty, but I am going to carry this flag every step in honor and support for my good friend John Kirby who is going to win his battle with cancer. I’ll be thinking of you John.

Tomorrow, we head to Truckee, then north for about 40 miles to Loyalton, then at 7am in Vinton we will begin this journey. 300 miles in protest of over-regulation on behalf of miners, ranchers, farmers, loggers, State of Jefferson, hunters, fishermen, off-roaders and campers.

Meet us in a small town along the way, the days and times are posted on the 2nd map down on walk4liberty.com and as a hint….I like fresh fruit like peaches and cold cherry ice tea (no sugar)! The entire length of highway 49…here we come.

Hope to see everyone on the road……..

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