Update from Arizona:
It was 24 degrees this morning and we had a thunder, lightening and rain storm last night. Kevin and Victor showed up yesterday from Route 66 Miners and are dredging today.
We cleared about 15′ of bedrock in our dredge hole and plan to chase it under a dead tree out in the middle of the creek. Good gold, with pickers beginning to show up now. The black sand here is as bad as Bull Creek in the South Mother Lode of CA………thick and heavy.
I took a little break this morning to do laundry in Prescott (pronounced press cut, not to be confused with pres kot which, we’ve been told is NOT this town).
We shot some new videos yesterday with our buddy and ardent AMRA supporter Chris Miller from Prospectors Choice in Surprise. For anyone mining in Arizona, we encourage you to support him prospectorschoice.com We shot one up on Rich Hill out of Stanton and another up out of Prescott.. We’ve got ours and hours of footage with our Go-Pro (underwater) and our static cams. You guys are going to love these. We are planning on going back in the “blue room” in the copper mine with some flood lights and show you this again, it is unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Jim is supposed to dredge today as I’ve put in two full days and Don has put in a full day……..but we think Jim is afraid to break a nail, or get his skirt wet.
Everything here stings you, sticks you, stabs you or bites you………..but we are mining, making you videos and finding gold.
Nice cant wait to see footage !