Suction dredging to create habitat

Washington State…another bill to ban dredging

We have been in continuous communication with the miners in Washington State over yet another attempt to ban suction dredging. This is the third bill in three years and this one is brought forth by Trout Unlimited. This video sent to us from Justin Karr shows just how effective it is to have the politicians […]

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Call to Action on dredging in California

It is time the small miners of California to once again tell our elected politicians to get off their butts and follow the laws they passed. We have penned a letter to the Senate Natural Resource Committee about the California Water Board having their staff cut literally days before they were to go public with […]

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Another example of government using a suction dredge to help the environment

We stumbled across this article posted on another Facebook forum this morning on suction dredging.   This little Proline dredge, which has been demonized by environmentalists, the EPA and USFS is being used to create a clean riparian waterway and remove noxious weeds in Idaho.   All across America, Federal, State and local agencies are […]

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