5 years ago a lawsuit was filed by a radical environmental group out of Idaho against AMRA President Shannon Poe for legally dredging on his claim with a valid state permit. The suit alleged he polluted “their river” and destroyed fish habitat. As we all know, none of this is true as suction dredging does […]
Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA and reigned in the massive power grab they have been doing for decades with the CWA (Clean Water Act) which really started under the Obama Administration and redefinitions of the WOTUS rule (Waters of the United States). The decision yesterday was unanimous against the EPA and even […]
The big news and the 2022 AMRA dinner Another AMRA dinner is completed and we want to sincerely thank the AMRA staff, vendors and volunteers for making this event hugely successful. So how about our big news? Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF), one of America’s premiere constitutional law firms which focuses on cases when our government […]
Well this should piss everyone off… Most of you know AMRA’s President, Shannon Poe was issued a ridiculous and illegal citation while hosting a public event on one of our mining claims this Spring for “defrauding an innkeeper”. This citation came because the USFS built some covered picnic areas on the claims…..without notifying the claim […]
We are helping three different miners right now in three different states which have had people top file on their claims. This is a common call we receive and would like to provide some education on the subject. A “top file” is a label miners use when someone tries to claim over an existing and […]
We’ve had a few of you reach out to discuss the recent ruling by SCOTUS on the West Virginia V EPA case where the court ruled the EPA over-stepped their authority to regulate the Clean Air Act. Does this help mining? Our take is yes, it is likely. Over the years (many, many years) […]
Italian Bar disaster update: As you know now, we’ve been trying to get the Stanislaus NF to evict the illegal occupiers down on Italian Bar road for close to a year now. We’ve shot videos of the trash, sewage, dumped batteries, a vehicle which was in the river and provided evidence of how a mining […]
We field tons of calls, emails and questions about the USFS and what they can, and cannot do as it relates to mining claims. Here is the 2800 manual which is the bible for the USFS on precisely that. We encourage you to read, open the PDF, print it and keep a copy […]
This video was shot as the LEO was leaving the campground in La Panza. Click on the link directly below for the video: USFS LEO cites Shannon Poe
After our post yesterday about the USFS absurdly citing AMRA President Shannon Poe for “defrauding an inn keeper”, we wanted to bring up the solution to rogue agents and rogue behavior by agencies such as the USFS and BLM. A few years ago, AMRA’s COO (Chief Operating Officer) Connie had an epiphany while she […]