Greetings everyone,
We have finalized the meeting location, time and agenda for this important unity meeting for the small miners and public land use community. We have received an overwhelming positive response and interest in this meeting, but have not received confirmation (emails) from all who plan on attending.
We ask that you please send a confirmation email back to us confirming your attendance along with the number in your party. This is highly important as we want to make sure we have seating for everyone. Simply send an email to: minersmeeting@americanminingrights.com.
Remember, this is not open to the general public, but they can participate in this as the meeting will be broadcast “live” on the internet using Gold Prospector Space radio. We will be providing links to this site as we get closer to the meeting date.
The meeting is at 10am on Saturday, March 14th at this location:
Four Points By Sheraton
4900 Duckhorn Dr
Sacramento , CA 95834
10am to 2pm
Here is the agenda and one is also attached in this email:
Small Mining Critical Information Network (California)
March 14th, 2015 Sacramento CA
Four Points Sheraton
4900 Duckhorn Dr
Sacramento, CA 95834
10am to 2pm
Meeting Agenda and Speakers:
10:00 am Mr. Shannon Poe, AMRA
Introduction, this meeting is NOT to promote any business or entity, but to unite the small mining and public land use community.
Why we are all here and where are we going?
Educating the small miner and others on what their rights are.
What the Critical Information Network is and how to use it.
10:30 am Robert Guardiola, Delta Gold Diggers
Unifying our message
Community outreach
Partnering with others
Supporting a cause
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Joeseph C. Greene, retired EPA Research Biologist/Eco-toxicologist
Suction dredging, the science and facts.
12:15 pm Break
12:30 pm Mr. Shannon Poe
Small mining rights, right of access, mineral entry, laws, and law enforcement.
1:15 pm Q & A
2:00 pm Meeting close.
Please forward this to all gold clubs, chapters, organizations, retailers and manufacturers in the State of California. We have been actively pursuing other public land use organizations like the off road community, fishing and hunting groups, hikers, bikers and camping groups. Please forward this to any you feel could partner with us to keep our public lands open.
We cannot express enough of how we all need to unite, all of us, together to combat the never ending assault on our public lands and small miners.
Mr. Shannon Poe
President, AMRA
Fighting for your right to mine
Robert Guardiola
President, Delta Gold Diggers
I emailed saying I wanted to be at the meeting. Sheree would like to go also so please make that two. Thanks, d