We have decided to bring back the wildly popular duck races for this weekends free to the public outing at our claims called “The Office” on bull creek out of Coulterville CA.
We’ve got thousands of dollars worth of prizes, will be having the duck races, have staff on-site to teach panning, how to read a creek for gold deposits, expert metal detectors and it’s going to be a blast! Plenty of AMRA gear, hats, shirts and bumper stickers.
Saturday and Sunday. Plenty of camp spots and the roads are gravel all the way there….so good in fact, my mother drove her Prius there (no kidding).
Follow the green, yellow and orange 8×10 AMRA signs with arrows on them or simply follow these directions:
From Coulterville, CA, take J132 through Greeley Hill to
Greeley Hill Road. Turn right on Greeley Hill Road.
Go straight to one-lane bridge. Turn right onto the dirt
road marked Bull Creek Road or Road 20. Follow the road
until you get to a small one-lane bridge. Turn left onto
road 2S02. Drive about 1½ miles and the campground will
be on the right. Turn right into the campground.
The USFS has a pit toilet in the campground.