I have just received an email from IDWR (Idaho Department of Water Resources) and they are denying me the right to mine my claim about 30′ from their “approved area” they designated. They have not given me a reason, just a denial.
This is an area which was approved last year by IDWR for another AMRA staff member who dredged there and also by the USFS. The exact location as we started right where his hole stopped.
I am formally requesting an explanation, but have a feeling it is something we all suspect and they won’t say.
A miner should not have to ask permission to dredge their claim or a part of the claim, especially since it was already approved by the very same agency.
I am being denied my income and am losing thousands of dollars per day not to mention the stomping on my fundamental mining rights (grant).
Needless to say, this is stunning.