SB1222, a clarification bill on small scale mining in California schedule to follow:
Click on share so people know the time(s) of these Senate hearings. Recently Facebook has been slow rolling out posts…..you can make your own decision on why.
Senate Bill 1222 (SB1222) schedule:
Senate Natural Resources Committee
Monday April 16, 2pm

State Capital in Sacramento
Senate Environmental Quality Committee
Wednesday April 18, 9:30am
State Capital in Sacramento
We sincerely hope everyone understands the seriousness of what California is doing with small mining and how they are effectively shutting down everything except for panning. You get that don’t you? Are you pissed yet?
SB1222, clarifies that a suction dredge is a suction dredge. A dry washer, a generator, high banker, tiny water pump, truck and electric wheelchair is not. Currently, under the vague language of SB637 passed a few years ago, all of these items are/can be considered a suction dredge, subject to confiscation and fines to the owners.
You need to be at these hearings in Sacramento. These Senators need to know you are sick of politicians banning all forms of mining in the state.
Dress is casual, but clean appearance. After testimony, you will have the opportunity to go to the microphone and say you support the bill.
If you do not show up, do not complain if all you can do is pan in California.
Show up, share this post and we’ll see you there.
AMRA staff