One of our staff members found this website and man do we love it. It is a historical site of mines, placers and mining towns in the West.
Although the exact accuracy of the mines we have been researching is not precise, it’s pretty darn close.
We have been trying to research our Ghost Mine, which we were in and filming just two days ago and had pretty much exhausted our resources…..until we used this website and found it.
By the way…..while filming in the Ghost Mine New Years eve, Cathy Lema, Joe Lema and myself were way in the mine with the camera running and very, very clearly you could hear what sounded like an ore cart moving down the tracks right between all of us and down towards the opening of the mine. We heard whistling, rock knocking and voices. This is a very strange mine….and yes, we found gold.
Here is a great resource site:
Or clickhttps://westernmininghistory.com